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BaytonChurch of England

Primary School

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Absence Procedures

Leaving school during school day

Should you wish to collect your child for an appointment during the school day, please go first to the school office.  If possible, please notify the school in advance by letter or telephone.



Details of school holidays are sent home regularly or may be obtained from the school office.

Holidays will not be authorised in term time.  In exceptional circumstances, absence is allowed at the Headteacher’s discretion.  A holiday application form is available from the school office.  Holiday forms require parents to state destinations of holidays and reasons why they have to be taken during term time.  We promote 100% attendance and punctuality.  Children are in school 190 days per year and not in school for 175 days, so we do discourage taking any more time out than is absolutely necessary.  Our attendance and punctuality policy may be found on the website.  We have a common policy with all our neighbouring primary and secondary schools.


Infectious Diseases

How long should you keep your child off school - checklist poster (text version) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

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