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Admission Arrangements


If you live in Worcestershire and your child is due to start school in Reception during the school year 2023/2024, then you must apply to Worcestershire County Council for your child / children’s school place – the opening and closing dates for applications are below.


Mid Year Transfer if you wish your child / children to join Bayton CE Primary School during the school year you should first ring the School’s admissions department at Worcestershire County Council to see if there are places available in your child's year group. You can then apply via www.worcestershire.gov.uk/schooladmissions. It is at this time you can arrange a time to come and meet us and explore our exciting school.


Parents of children who reside outside Worcestershire

If you wish to apply for a place at any Worcestershire school, you must complete an application provided by your "home" LA. (The "home" LA is defined as the Local Authority relevant to the child's home address). The "home" LA will ensure that the application details are passed onto Worcestershire LA for consideration in the allocation of school places.

If you are not resident in Worcestershire, then you should obtain admission details from your home LA, even if your preferences include schools within Worcestershire.

The 2023/2024 Admissions and Transfers to Schools Information for Parents Book and the Starting School parental guide, Transfer to Middle School and Transfer to Secondary School parental guides will be available below



The Appeals Team, based at County Hall in Worcester, make arrangements for appeals where the Admission Authority (AA) has not met a parent's preference for a particular school. The Appeals Team also deals with appeals where a pupil has been excluded from a school on a permanent basis.

The Appeals Team is separate from the education functions of the County Council and as much as they may want to help, cannot answer questions about the initial allocation of school places, school waiting lists, transport allocation or any of the day-to-day school questions.

All requests for appeals should be made to the School Admissions Team or to the school involved if that school is an Academy or Foundation School or where the school has voluntary aided status.

In addition to school appeals, the Appeals Team also makes the administrative arrangements for hearings convened as part of the Council's Representations Procedures (Social Services Review Panels and Corporate Representations Panels).

In respect of all appeals hearings, the Appeals Team is responsible for recruiting and maintaining a list of persons who serve on Appeals Panels. At panel meetings, staff from the Appeals team act as usher, adviser and facilitator, remaining with the Panel when they come to make their decisions. After the Appeal hearing, these staff also make sure all parties know what decisions have been made.

Appealing a school place offer | Worcestershire County Council


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