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Welcome to our Governors’ Page

Governor Vision 2024

Our curriculum and endeavour is focused on connecting people with each other, with the school, with their community, with the world and what they are learning. When learning is connected, it is retained and can grow.

Nurturing seeds of learning  

Growing our minds to flourish 

Thriving as unique individuals  

Bayton C.E Primary School is situated in the very rural outskirts of Worcestershire, surrounded by fields bursting with crop that we witness growing and thriving each year.  In September, it is planted; the soil is worked down carefully and slowly, seeds are given the nurture that they need to germinate. Throughout the year, the crops begin to grow; they are maintained with the essential elements that will help them to flourish. Then finally, they are thriving and ready for harvest. Just like the cycle of arable land, here at Bayton, we aim to give our pupils the opportunity to GROW; just as God wants us to.  

“Planted in the house of the Lord, they shall flourish in the courts of our God” Psalm 92: 12-14

We live this vision wholeheartedly in all that we do. Bayton CE Primary School is a unique and creative hub of excellence where high standards of work and achievement oscillate effectively with passion and pride. The ‘Bayton Way’ is at the heart of curriculum enabling us to implement our three core values:




At Bayton, our Governors are strategic leaders of the school who work in close partnership with all leaders here at Bayton. Their purpose is to 'conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school' for all our pupils.

They ensure a strong focus on 3 core strategic functions:



Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction


Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff


Oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent




Living wholeheartedly like Jesus, striving for full maturity and completeness in our lives. Planting seeds of values that support us to become flourishing children and adults of God. Developing our attributes to begin to grow our respect, integrity. humility, responsibility and empathy.

Governors support and nurture our pupils and adults to grow into people who are polite, respectful, grateful and who thrive putting others before themselves. Led by our vision, The Chair of Governors, Stuart Meese and his team, they are a supporting ear to the needs of all of the stakeholders within our school community. Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Governor is present in school for both children and adults to provide aid and encouragement to navigate through the challenges of each and every school term.

Governors audit and insure Safeguarding procedures are robust and that our vulnerable learners and adults are in treated with respect and are in an environment where they feel nurtured and safe.

The Golden Thread that runs through our curriculum is inclusion; our SEND Governor monitors and audits the individualising of children’s learning so they can learn for real life. Governors foster a spirit of enquiry and purpose for ALL learners and adults. Our Foundation Governor alongside our Ex-Officio, give spiritual guidance and ensure that the school preserves and develops its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level.

Governor presence within school works to ensure that the journey for each individual child within the overall context of the whole school vision is embraced within all monitoring activities and associated decisions. The link between curriculum and the vision and of ethos of the school is regarded as the core purpose.




Enabling pupils to become responsible for learning more and remembering more, creating a change in long-term memory. Gaining knowledge and skills to broaden academic and spiritual greatness.  Being inspired by The Parable of the Sower after learning what happens to each seed that falls or is planted. “But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” Matthew 13:23

The Curriculum drives all aspects of the school forward ensuring all children thrive and find meaning and fulfilment in their school life. The Governors audit and oversee the effect our Curriculum has on people outcomes through carefully thought-out monitoring cycles linked to the Headteacher’s School Development Plan. This drives key questioning and focused visits or conversations with leaders, subject leaders and children. Governors are linked effectively to subject areas that match their expertise and interests after careful skills audits that are gathered at the beginning of each academic year. Monitoring is driven by educational performance and challenging responsibility, action, and outcome.

Strategic meetings with the Headteacher allow for effective communication regarding the progress of learnings receiving carefully mapped, sequential and interconnected curriculum and assessment is monitored to track the performance of pupils. Governors use these to hold the Headteacher to account and to present productive and compelling performance management targets for her and the staff.

Governors are a key element in ensuring every child grows, just as God wants us to, and that they are ready for the next stage of their education.

Governors commit to personal growth that can be utilised within their role as a Governor for the future improvement of the school.



Having the wisdom to know that we can make a difference in our school community and beyond, reflecting on the growth we’ve made this year and upholding our spiritual and academic knowledge to take forward to new experiences with God to guide us.

Governors shares this journey of learning with the school. They are present in our classrooms on a regular basis to experience a celebration of our successes within school. They deliver and support collective worship, as well as working closely with our School PTA to organise annual events for our children to come together and enjoy.

Adults and children thrive when supported by the Governors.

Financial planning for the current and future stability and sustainability of the school is paramount. Monitoring and planning of the finances need to be constant and not reactionary at the end of the year to ensure that changes can be made quickly and effectively.



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