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Menu April-June-Starting week 3 on W/B 08/04/24

Our lunches are supplied by Red Hen Cookery.


Find their website by typing into your search engine:-  https://schoolmeals.redhencookery.co.uk


You should now be taken to our School Meals Ordering Website. Each time you use the website you will need to Log in, but the first time you use it you will need to Register your email address and choose a secure password. Don’t worry if you forget the password in the future, you can reset it.



Please follow the instructions below and before you begin ordering please bear in mind these very important points:



1. You will need access to an email account, please sign into your email account and have it open in Tabs so that you can access it whilst you are navigating our website.

2. If you pay for your child’s meals please have your debit/credit card to hand.

3. If you have more than 1 child registered on our website; Only order meals for 1 child at a time. This means that once you start ordering meals please only do so for 1 child and proceed to the checkout and finish your order before you start ordering for any subsequent child.

4. We need a minimum of 5 days notice of your meal order, the ordering system will only allow orders from 5 days ahead, please make sure you order in plenty of time. For example, a meal required on a Monday will need to be ordered on the Wednesday of the week before.

5. When an order is placed successfully the system will send you a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email then the order has not been completed fully for one reason or another and no meals will be supplied. Please check your spam/junk folders for the confirmation email if you do not receive it within a few hours of placing the order. If you can’t find the email then please do get in touch via info@redhencookery.co.uk and we will assist.

6. Our office is closed during the school holidays and therefore if you need assistance please email info@redhencookery.co.uk and we will respond as soon as possible.






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