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Achievement for All - Quality Mark awarded!

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Extract of letter received on 24th June 2019

"Dear Jolanda,

I am delighted that your school has been awarded Quality Mark status, recognising your work on Achievement for All’s four elements to raise the educational outcomes and wellbeing of every child, particularly those vulnerable to underachievement.
On behalf of Achievement for All, I would like to congratulate you and your colleagues on receiving your award and your commitment and dedication to ensuring positive opportunities and outcomes for all your children and young people. We know that this is a result of hard work and commitment over a period of time and one which always comes with additional challenges from year to year.
We have also sent you an email with a digital version of the Quality Award logo, which we hope you will proudly display on your letterheads, websites and signage.
We look forward to continuing to work with you and your local community. To help achieve this, we would like to make contact with schools and settings in your network. My colleagues will be in touch to gather contact details.
Many congratulations to you and all your staff.

Yours sincerely,
Professor Sonia Blandford
Founder and CEO – Achievement for All

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